A chipmunk, a small rodent with puffy cheeks. Depicted as a brown chipmunk in full profile facing left, sitting on its hind legs with a bushy tail and striped body. Generally holding an acorn or other nut in its hands.
May be used to represent a squirrel or related animals.
At one point, Google’s chipmunk was looking forward, squinting with a buck tooth. Microsoft’s previous black-and-white design could be mistaken for a skunk.
Emoji | 🐿️ |
Unicode Name | Chipmunk |
Apple Name | Chipmunk |
Also Known As | Squirrel |
Codepoints | U+1F43F, U+FE0F |
Language | Name |
Bengali | কঠবডল |
Danish | jordegern |
German | streifenhörnchen |
English | chipmunk |
Spanish | ardilla |
French | écureuil |
Hindi | गलहर |
Italian | scoiattolo |
Japanese | リス |
Korean | 얼룩다람쥐 |
Marathi | खर |
Malay | tupai tanah |
Dutch | eekhoorn |
Norwegian | ekorn |
Portuguese | esquilo |
Swedish | jordekorre |
Tamil | சபமஙக |
Telugu | ఉడత |
Chinese | 松鼠 |