A locked (closed) padlock, as used to secure a latch or chain, or as an icon for a secure internet connection, private account, or locked device. Generally depicted with a gold base and silver shackle. WhatsApp’s design is silver.
Commonly used for content concerning safety, security, privacy, and protection as well as various senses of lock, e.g., locked in/down.
This emoji does not display in page titles on Apple’s Safari web browser, presumably to prevent less reputable sites from pretending to be secure (encrypted using HTTPS).
Additionally, this emoji is not supported in Twitter / X names, to minimize confusion with private accounts on the platform. Learn more here.
See also: 🔏 Locked With Pen and 🔐 Locked With Key.
Emoji | 🔒 |
Unicode Name | Lock |
Apple Name | Closed Lock |
Also Known As | Closed Lock, Padlock |
Codepoints | U+1F512 |
Language | Name |
Bengali | তল বনধ |
Danish | lukket hængelås |
German | geschlossenes schloss |
English | locked |
Spanish | candado cerrado |
French | cadenas fermé |
Hindi | बद तल |
Italian | lucchetto chiuso |
Japanese | 閉じた錠 |
Korean | 자물쇠 |
Marathi | कलप |
Malay | bermangga |
Dutch | slot |
Norwegian | låst |
Portuguese | cadeado |
Swedish | låst lås |
Tamil | படட |
Telugu | వస ఉనన తళ |
Chinese | 合上的锁 |