A bouquet of brightly colored flowers. Generally depicted as a collection of pink and yellow flowers with green stems tied together. Positioned at various angles across platforms.
Commonly used for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and other special occasions. May also be more generally used to express such sentiments as love, appreciation, and happiness.
Google’s flowers were previously all yellow, Microsoft’s roses, and Samsung’s pink and white.
Emoji | 💐 |
Unicode Name | Bouquet |
Apple Name | Bouquet |
Also Known As | Bouquet Of Flowers |
Codepoints | U+1F490 |
Language | Name |
Bengali | ফলর তড |
Danish | blomsterbuket |
German | blumenstrauß |
English | bouquet |
Spanish | ramo de flores |
French | bouquet |
Hindi | फल फलगचछ |
Italian | mazzo di fiori |
Japanese | 花束 |
Korean | 꽃다발 |
Marathi | पषपगचछ |
Malay | sejambak bunga |
Dutch | boeket |
Norwegian | bukett |
Portuguese | buquê |
Swedish | blombukett |
Tamil | மலரககதத |
Telugu | పలగతత |
Chinese | 花束 |