A stylized globe, with blue meridians (longitudes) and latitude. Depicted with light-blue grid of lines on a white, blue, or empty circle.
May be used as a symbol of the internet or world wide web, global communications, international affairs, connectivity and networks, time zones, coordinates, or the world more generally.
May appear as an icon on Apple devices to change (language) keyboards.
See also 🌎 Globe Showing Americas, 🌍 Globe Showing Europe-Africa, and 🌏 Globe Showing Asia-Australia.
Emoji | 🌐 |
Unicode Name | Globe with Meridians |
Apple Name | Globe with Meridians |
Also Known As | Internet, World Wide Web, WWW |
Codepoints | U+1F310 |
Language | Name |
Bengali | গলব মরডযন |
Danish | globus med meridianer |
German | globus mit meridianen |
English | globe with meridians |
Spanish | globo terráqueo con meridianos |
French | globe avec méridiens |
Hindi | दशतर रखओ क सथ गलब |
Italian | globo con meridiani |
Japanese | 子午線のある地球 |
Korean | 자오선 지구 |
Marathi | रखवतत असलल पथवच गल |
Malay | glob dengan garisan meridian |
Dutch | wereldbol met meridianen |
Norwegian | jordklode med meridianer |
Portuguese | globo com meridianos |
Swedish | jordglob med meridianer |
Tamil | தரககரககளடன உலக உரணட |
Telugu | మధయహన రఖలత గలబ |
Chinese | 带经纬线的地球 |