A pedestrian symbol with a red stroke through it, indicating that pedestrians are prohibited from this location.
May be seen in dedicated bike lanes, highways, or other areas not suitable to be on-foot.
Emoji | 🚷 |
Unicode Name | No Pedestrians |
Apple Name | No Pedestrians |
Also Known As | No People, No Walking |
Codepoints | U+1F6B7 |
Language | Name |
Bengali | যতর পরপর নষধ |
Danish | ingen fodgængere |
German | fußgänger verboten |
English | no pedestrians |
Spanish | prohibido el paso de peatones |
French | interdit aux piétons |
Hindi | पदयतर नषध पदल चलन क अनमत नह |
Italian | simbolo del divieto di transito pedoni |
Japanese | 歩行者立入禁止 |
Korean | 보행자 금지 |
Marathi | पदचरयन अनमत नह |
Malay | pejalan kaki dilarang |
Dutch | geen voetgangers |
Norwegian | fotgjengere forbudt |
Portuguese | proibida a passagem de pedestres |
Swedish | förbud mot gångtrafik |
Tamil | நடநத சலலககடத |
Telugu | పదచరలక నషదధ |
Chinese | 禁止行人通行 |