A cartoon cat variant of 😍 Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes. Depicted as yellow on major platforms.
Emoji | 😻 |
Unicode Name | Smiling Cat Face with Heart-Shaped Eyes |
Apple Name | Smiling Cat Face with Heart-Eyes |
Also Known As | Heart Eyes Cat, Loving Cat |
Codepoints | U+1F63B |
Language | Name |
Bengali | হরট আকরর চখর সথ বডলর মখ |
Danish | glad kat med hjerteøjne |
German | lachende katze mit herzen als augen |
English | smiling cat with heart eyes |
Spanish | gato sonriendo con ojos de corazón |
French | chat souriant aux yeux en cœurs |
Hindi | दल जस आख वल मसकत बलल |
Italian | gatto innamorato |
Japanese | 目がハートの猫 |
Korean | 하트 눈 고양이 얼굴 |
Marathi | हरदयचय डळयसह मजरच हसणर चहर |
Malay | kucing tersenyum dengan mata berbentuk hati |
Dutch | lachende kat met hartvormige ogen |
Norwegian | smilende katt med hjerteøyne |
Portuguese | rosto de gato sorridente com olhos de coração |
Swedish | leende kattansikte med hjärtformade ögon |
Tamil | இதய வடவ கணகளல சரககம பன மகம |
Telugu | హదయకర కళలత నవవతనన పలల మఖ |
Chinese | 花痴的猫 |